My name is Lars von Thienen. For over 25 years I have been involved in cycles and cycle analysis. Besides writing two public books on the subject, I have developed cycle detection engines and worked with leading analysts, software developers and traders on the subject of cycles.
Through the Stock Market Cycles blog, I invite you to follow my personal journey through the search for cycles.
As a cycle analyst and researcher with a strong technical background, I use digital signal processing to decipher important cycles in global financial stock markets.
This blog is a complementary part of my professional work at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles with my own individual views on specific data series.
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Why Stock Markets and The Search for Cycles?
Cycles have often been referred to as "the mysterious forces that trigger events." Cycles are found in all aspects of life; they range from the very short-term, such as the high- and low-water tidal cycles on the coastal beach, to the life cycle of a planet that lasts billions of years.
No matter what kind of markets you look at, they all go through cyclical phases. The same is true for economic hopes and fears, which ultimately add up to what happens in global financial equity markets.
Why subscribe?
This substack will keep you up to date on important cycle analysis in global financial markets and the latest cycle detection algorithms beyond this type of technical analysis.
I will provide the latest analysis of stock market cycles to sharpen your exe on global market timing.
While following and reading the articles, you will learn how to time global markets by studying market cycles.
Each new issue comes directly to your inbox.
Why a paid subscription?
First, sharing market opinion based on cycle analysis is something I enjoy but its not free and your support values my time. Second, premium subscription revenue will compensate for data, software tools, research expense and allows me to invest in analytics and support.
I strive to keep the core analysis and executive summary of every report freely available for public access. Supplementary and more in-depth information is then available for those who are interested.
While I will add the following in-depth context for subscribers:
Access to interactive cycle workbooks from the Cycles app.
This will allow any reader to open the charts as an interactive cycle workbook and "play" with the cycle analysis and datasets themselves.Additional technical charts with cyclic-tuned indicators
From my personal indicator development over the past years.Audio commentary (“podcasts”) with easy listening experience.
Get the most out of the charts by listening to the audio commentary. Understand why different aspects of the published charts were selected and their significance. The audio commentary provides more context than the article's brief text description.Access to the full article library.
Free access to cycle courses
On Udemy via coupons.Active discussion threads will be available in the "chat" section.
Follow-up comments and cycle changes can be discussed and posted there. This is also the place where I will answer your questions. So if you would like to discuss certain aspects with me, this is the opportunity to do so.
So, in short. if you subscribe to the premium version, you'll find further explanations and in-depth details on the selected charts, as well as explanatory statements, weekly market cycles updates, plus the opportunity to engage in a discussion. All in an easy-to-understand written style.
Anyhow, every supporter ensures that I will be able to maintain the free version for everyone. So any support is welcome. Hope you agree and will sign up.
I would also recommend to become a member of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles which will give you direct access to the tools and application I am using to create cycle forecasts.
Professional members of the FSC can become registered premium subscribers to this personal extended part of my work at the Foundation. Please request access and we will check your professional FSC membership status. Likewise, registered members of this blog will receive information from the Foundation for the Study of Cycles.
My background includes authoring two books on cycle analysis, being the creator of the cloud-based Cycle Analysis Toolbox, and partnering with leading global cycle research organizations. With over 25 years of experience in digital signal processing, cycle analysis and market forecasting, I will share my view and experience on this subject area through this newsletter.
Professional background:
Serial entrepreneur, founder/co-founder of more the 5 companies
Selected as "The 50 Most Influential Business Leaders in Tech 2021"
Board Member of the “Foundation for The Study of Cycles” (FSC)
Honorary Commercial Judge at the regional court of Hamburg, Germany
Author of several books on Cycle Analysis and Digital Transformation
Lars von Thienen
Information comes from sources believed to be reliable; however, there is no guarantee that cycle projections based on that information will be profitable.
WhenToTrade is a publisher of scientific cycle analysis results for global markets and is not an investment advisor. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice or information tailored to the needs of any particular recipient.
Any projections, market outlooks or estimates herein are forward looking statements and are inherently unreliable. They are based upon certain assumptions and should not be construed to be indicative of the actual events that will occur.
Neither the publisher, the author nor any of its affiliates accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of the information contained herein.
Please consult your financial advisor before trading on ideas in this newsletter.